Membership information, member only extras etc. (page updated 6 March 2022)
1) The traditional extras, Library, Journal, visits etc.
Joining gives access to an extremely comprehensive library of quality books, maps, timetables, magazines, manufacturer's catalogues and other railway related historical documentation covering an extensive range of topics. Joining the SLS will allow you to access the library loan system. If you cannot reach the Library in person the catalogue is available and a postal loan system is in place. A location map to aid visitors traveling to the library has been added into the Members Only area of our Yahoo Group and is also available, at lower resolution, on the Library page.
The Journal, see separate section, is mailed to members. This bi-monthly illustrated publication, exclusive to members, carries with authoritative articles on locomotives and the railway scene, past and present, home and overseas. A valuable resource for all who take the study of railways and locomotion seriously. The SLS. Journal has achieved a high reputation with libraries and other professional bodies.
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2) The newer, Internet based, extras - Section updated 5 April 2021
Online meetings
ZOOM - As set out on the calendar page meetings are currently being held via Zoom; where copyright permits these are being released as recordings with viewing available to members only.
The Society's YouTube channel - this includes videos only available for members to view (See playlist) To get the link contact the Company Secretary as per the details in the Journal.
Yahoo Group/members forum
The SLS Yahoo Group was closed at the end of 2019 due to an across the board decison taken by Yahoo to cease operating the service. Alternatives were evaluated; however, to date, no replacement forum has been installed as there has been no requests to do so from the members previously signed up with the Yahoo service. (Section updated 6 March 2022)
Is my data secure and/or shared?
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (Updated by the GDPR) the information supplied to the SLS may be held and used for the purposes of business, administration and statistical analysis. We will never sell or transfer your details to third parties for marketing purposes.
4) 2025 Annual General Meeting Booking Form - Section updated 24 January 2025
Printable PDF copy of the 2025 AGM Booking Form
How to join
SLS Publications
SLS Journal (Membership service)
SLS Library (Membership service)
SLS Resources (Free service)
The Society's YouTube channel
Meetings calendar
About us / Contacts
The SLS Literary Award
Search and A to Z list
Notices and legal requirements page. (Including information on tracking and other cookies)
Links to other sites
Links to other railway sites (Off-site link)