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Our original A to Z index (See note below)
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(Page and entries last updated 2 March 2022
As the site expanded significantly after the initial launch the sole use of links between content either using links embedded within the text or through top and side navigation bars became inadequate to quickly locate relevant content. This alphabetical listing of content, including cross-references, was therefore added; however, by 2021 it too became too complex to maintain and although we have left live most of what was already accomplished the search box above is recommended.
The page was edited
- 5th December 2021 - All references to the former Members Group which was closed when Yahoo closed their groups service should now be deleted.
- During Jan, Feb and Mar 2022 to remove several listings no longer on the site or links to pages likely to be withdrawn in the upcoming site rebuild.
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329 Stephenson ( LBSC 4-6-4T) Link to section of the locomotives associated with the SLS page covering this engine.
66 957 - a short section within the Locomotives Associated with the SLS page covering Class 66 No. 66 957 "Stephenson Locomotive Society 1909 - 2009".
87 001 & 87 101 Stephenson- (AC Electrics history) - Link to section of the locomotives associated with the SLS page covering these engines.
87001 & 87 101 (Nameplate collection) - an introduction to these ex-Class 87 locomotive nameplates in the Society's heritage collection.
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Abolition of the Railway Heritage Committee - copy letter of representation re the Railway heritage Committee
Alfred the Great Class - Orion, Darroch and the 'Alfreds', by R.A.S. Hennessey - The story of the 9½ inch gauge scale model of a Webb compound, built almost a century ago, the prototypes on which it was modeled, its maker and recent restoration with the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund. 16 page A5 booklet with colour and black & white illustrations - See publications.
Answered previous What, when or where? posts - - index page to the answers for earlier queries now substantially or fully resolved.
Authors - A page of information as to why the SLS is relevant to model makers, authors, film producers etc.
Awards - Literary Prize page
Ayrshire - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the (NB meeting dates are now listed in the Perpetual Calendar).).
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Barnet - A former SLS Meeting Centre now closed.
Bibliography - Recent/upcoming books and articles by (or contributed to by) SLS members
Blackfriars - London Blackfriars - Resolved what when where? photographic query.
Bowen Cooke (C.J.) . Early steam locomotive developments - Extract from a book by the former CME of the LNWR, C J Bowen Cooke.
British Rail (Nameplate collection) - an introduction to the ex-Class 87 locomotive nameplates in the Society's heritage collection.
Bromley (Hayes) - A former SLS Meeting Centre now closed.
Buckingham Covers - First day covers associated with the SLS but retailed by a third party (Buckingham Covers)
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Calendar - List of all our meetings and visits in date order
Centenary booklet - See our Publications page. To celebrate our Centenary a booklet looking back over our 100 year history was published. (Now out of print)
Centres - List of all our local Centres with options for selection of the one most convenient for you either by the day of week or place when/where the meetings are held. (NB meeting dates are now listed in the Perpetual Calendar).
Centres (Pick by weekday) - List of our local Centres with selection by the day of week their meetings are held. (NB meeting dates are now listed in the Perpetual Calendar).
Class 66 No. 66 957 - a short section within the Locomotives Associated with the SLS page covering Class 66 No. 66 957 "Stephenson Locomotive Society 1909 - 2009".
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Darroch - Orion, Darroch and the 'Alfreds', by R.A.S. Hennessey - The story of the 9½ inch gauge scale model of a Webb compound, built almost a century ago, the prototypes on which it was modeled, its maker and recent restoration with the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund. 16 page A5 booklet with colour and black & white illustrations - See publications.
Diary of events - Perpetual calendar - full listing of all our meetings/events in date order.
Doncaster race traffic excursions - A collection of photos from the collection held in the library showing race traffic excursion trains at Doncaster.
Dowlais Cae Harris - Included as What, When where_151, page contains a photograph of the engine shed and the follow up text.
Dudley Zoo Railway - This page covering the Stanford Jacobs Collection includes a reproduced print of a locomotive on the DZR.
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Early railways - overview of some aspects of the earliest railways with links to relevant, external sites.
Early railways (Leicester & Swannington Railway) - a brief note about the Stephenson family's associated with this railway.
Early railways (Surrey Iron Railway 200th anniversary) - coverage of the route from a trip made by SLS members to commemorate the line's 200th birthday.
Early railways - a time line of developments from pre-history forwards.
Early steam locomotive developments - Extract from a book by the former CME of the LNWR, C J Bowen Cooke.
Electric locomotives - The AC "Stephensons" (87 001 and 87 101)
Electric locomotive - The AC Stephenson nameplates
Engine House ( Highley) - SLS owned nameplates & worksplates on loan to
Eric Lomax (Eric Sutherland Lomax - E S Lomax) a.k.a The Railway Man
Eric Lomax (Eric Sutherland Lomax - E S Lomax) a.k.a The Railway Man - Obituary page
Events diary - Perpetual calendar - full listing of all our meetings in date order.
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Film makers - A page of information as to why the SLS is relevant to model makers, authors, film producers etc.
First day covers - First day covers associated with the SLS but retailed by a third party (Buckingham Covers)
Free view photo list - index to the photos on the SLS web site on free view.
Free resources - the index to material and railway resource information in addition to images that we don't charge for.
Freeserve (Our former web host) - Please note that the old website at no longer exists.
Quick links - Numbers |A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z | topGeorge Stephenson - A page of basic information about the Stephenson family, with links from there to additional material about the family.
George Stephenson & Son: Principal Railway Projects - Section of the Stephenson Fact File covering their railway projects.
Gladstone (1) - The story of the SLS's preservation of LB&SC locomotive No 214 Gladstone, covering over 70 years of preservation.
Gladstone (2) - a short section within the Locomotives Associated with the SLS page covering Gladstone.
Great Central Railway locomotive nameplates - Loughborough railway museum
Godalming (was Guildford) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
GWR nameplate collection - Information about the GWR locomotive nameplates held in the SLS collection on loan to, and displayed at, the Kidderminster Railway Museum.
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Hastings Miniature Railway - This page covering the Stanford Jacobs Collection includes a reproduced print of a locomotive on the HMR.
Hayes (Bromley) - A former SLS Meeting Centre now closed.
Headboards - a page with information on a few of the headboards used on past SLS special trains and which are preserved in our heritage collection.
Help and appeals for information page - a page where requests for assistance in seeking answers to railway questions will be added
Heritage and preservation - an introduction to how the SLS has been involved in preservation of artifacts and information since our founding in 1909. Page has onward links to further sub-sections on the site.
Heritage and preservation - Abolition of the Railway Heritage Committee - copy letter of representation
Heritage collection - nameplates. An introduction to the locomotive nameplates preserved in the Society's heritage collection.
Highley (the Engine House - SLS owned nameplates & worksplates on loan to
How to join - our membership page
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Quick links - Numbers |A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z | top
Journal (The) - about our in-house magazine including contents listings , copy of cover photograph etc.
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Kendal - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Kidderminster - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Kidderminster Railway Museum - Information about the various SLS collection nameplates on loan to the Kidderminster Railway Museum.
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LB&SC No 214 Gladstone - The story of the SLS's preservation of LB&SC locomotive No 214 Gladstone, covering over 70 years of preservation.
LB&SC No. 329 - One of the locomotives that has carried the Stephenson name.
Leicester & Swannington Railway - a brief note about the Stephenson family's association with this railway.
Library - Catalogue index page
Library - General introduction.
Library - handling the race traffic. A collection of photos from the collection held in the library showing race traffic excursion trains at Doncaster,
Library - Location map (NB A map is also available for members to print off within the Files section of our Yahoo Group)
Library - The Stanford Jacobs Collection
Links - A comprehensive list of links to other railway interest sites (A combined list run jointly with three other rail interest groups)
Lomax Eric (Eric Sutherland Lomax - E S Lomax) a.k.a The Railway Man
Lomax Eric (Eric Sutherland Lomax - E S Lomax) a.k.a The Railway Man - Obituary page
Loughborough railway museum - Great Central Railway locomotive nameplates
LNWR - Early steam locomotive developments - Extract from a book by the former CME of the LNWR, C J Bowen Cooke.
LNWR - Information about the ex-LNWR loco nameplates held in the SLS nameplate collection and on loan to, and displayed at, the Kidderminster Railway Museum.
LNWR - nameplate collection - an introduction to the ex-LNWR locomotive nameplates in the Society's heritage collection.
LNWR - Orion, Darroch and the 'Alfreds', by R.A.S. Hennessey - The story of the 9½ inch gauge scale model of a Webb compound, built almost a century ago, the prototypes on which it was modeled, its maker and recent restoration with the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund. 16 page A5 booklet with colour and black & white illustrations - See publications.
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Information about six locomotives with special associations to/with the SLS.
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Link to the Gladstone section
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Link to the Orion section
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Link to the Stephenson section (AC Electric)
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Link to the Stephenson section (LBSC Baltic No 329)
Locomotives associated with the SLS - Link to the Class 66 named Stephenson Locomotive Society 1909 2009 section
Locomotive development - early steam engines - Extract from a book by the former CME of the LNWR, C J Bowen Cook with illustrations.
Locomotive Drawings (The second book of) see Publications page ( Now out of print)
Locomotives (Electric) - The AC "Stephensons" (87 001 and 87 101)
Locomotives named Stephenson - A page about several locomotives named Stephenson. with links to additional sub-sections.
Locomotive nameplates - an introduction to the locomotive nameplates in the Society's heritage collection.
London Blackfriars - Resolved what when where? photographic query.
Literary awards - Literary Prize page
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Manchester - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Meetings and Visits - introductory outline and Perpetual Calendar (Amended link May 2010)
Meetings and visits (Surrey Iron Railway 200th anniversary) - coverage of the route from a trip made by SLS members to commemorate the line's 200th birthday.
Meetings calendar - full listing of all our meetings in date order.
Members extra - several items listed in this index are only available to members. This page outlines what these members only services are and how, after joining, you can access them.
Members bibliography - Recent/upcoming books and articles by (or contributed to by) SLS members
Membership - How to join.
Membership - Application form
Middlesbrough - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Model makers - A page of information as to why the SLS is relevant to model makers, authors, film producers etc.
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Nameplate collection - an introduction to the locomotive nameplates in the Society's heritage collection.
Name and worksplates collection - items on view at the Severn Valley Railway and at (1) Kidderminster Rly Museum & (2) the Engine House, Highley.
Newcastle - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
News, Tweets & updates| About us & contacts
North British Railway (The locomotives of) - The SLS have published a book covering this subject. See our Publications page.
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Orion (1) - a short section within the Locomotives Associated with the SLS page covering both the LNWR prototype and the miniature locomotive Orion. (NB The 9 1/2" gauge Orion is owned by the Society)
Orion (2) - a more comprehensive item covering this locomotive. Includes intended steaming dates.
Orion, Darroch and the 'Alfreds', by R.A.S. Hennessey - The story of the 9½ inch gauge scale model of a Webb compound, built almost a century ago, the prototypes on which it was modeled, its maker and recent restoration with the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund. 16 page A5 booklet with colour and black & white illustrations - See publications.
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Perpetual calendar - full listing of all our meetings in date order.
Photograph collection - introductory outline to our photo sales service.
Photograph collection - What, when, where? - home page for our "please help" section with the latest photograph for which help is requested.
Photograph collection - index page for the substantially resolved questions from previous What, when or where? posts.
Photographs (Free view) - list of the photos on the SLS web site on free view.
Photography Competition winners - The winning images from the last SLS Members photographic competition.
Postal covers - First day covers associated with the SLS but retailed by a third party (Buckingham Covers)
Preservation and heritage - an introduction to how the SLS has been involved in preservation of artifacts and information since our founding in 1909. Page has onward links to further sub-sections on the site.
Publications - a list of the SLS produced books etc., for sale.
Publications - Centenary booklet . To celebrate our Centenary a new booklet looking back over our 100 year history has been published.
Publications - Journal (The) - about our in-house magazine including contents listings , copy of cover photograph etc.
Publications - Locomotive Drawings (The second book of)
Publications - North British Railway (The locomotives of the) - The SLS have published a book covering this subject
Publications. - Orion, Darroch and the 'Alfreds', by R.A.S. Hennessey - The story of the 9½ inch gauge scale model of a Webb compound, built almost a century ago, the prototypes on which it was modeled, its maker and recent restoration with the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund. 16 page A5 booklet with colour and black & white illustrations.
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Race traffic excursions - A collection of photos from the collection held in the library showing race traffic excursion trains at Doncaster.
Railway Heritage Committee - copy letter of representation re abolition of RHC
Railway preservation - an introduction to how the SLS has been involved in preservation of artifacts and information since our founding in 1909. Page has onward links to further sub-sections on the site.
Recent/upcoming books and articles by (or contributed to by) SLS members
Resources page (free) - the index to material and railway resource information in addition to images that we don't charge for. See also Free view photo list - index to the photos on the SLS web site on free view.
Restricted sections (Members only extras) - several items listed in this index are only available to members. This page outlines what these members only services are and how, after joining, you can access them.
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Sales items - a list of the SLS produced books etc., for sale.
Sales items - a list of sales items associated with the SLS but retailed by third parties.
Saltcoates - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Scotland (Ayrshire) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Scrapbook - 3 photos - Photo album (Accessible by SLS members only via our Yahoo Group)
Shildon Museum - Home of Orion, steaming dates for Orion at Shildon will be added to this page as and when confirmed.
Shildon Museum - Information about the various SLS collection nameplates on loan to Shildon Museum.
Sir William Pollitt - Great Central Railway locomotive nameplate - Loughborough railway museum
SLS Journal - all about our in-house magazine including contents listings , copy of cover photograph etc.
SLS Special trains - a page with information on a few of the headboards used on past SLS special trains and which are preserved in our heritage collection.
South Lakeland (Kendal) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Stanford Jacobs Collection (the) - A selection of prints held within the SLS LIbrary Collection and a brief biography of "Jake".
Stephenson - A page about several locomotives named Stephenson. with links to additional sub-sections.
Stephenson Fact File - A comprehensive e-booklet about the Stephenson Family. Link is to the introduction and contents page
Stephenson fact File - Museums and Heritage Sites with Stephenson Connections
Stephenson Fact File - George Stephenson & Son: Principal Railway Projects
Stephenson Fact File - Significant Civil Engineering Structures
Stephenson Fact File - Recommended Further Reading
Stephenson Fact File - The illustrations from the 1st Edition
Stephenson Family - section from the Stephenson Fact File about the family.
Stephenson (George) - A page of basic information about the Stephenson family.
Stephenson (Robert) - A page of basic information about the Stephenson family.
Stephenson - (AC Electrics 87 001 & 87 101) - Link to section of the locomotives associated with the SLS page covering these engines.
Stephenson AC electric locomotive - The AC Stephenson nameplates
Stephenson - LBSC 4-6-4T No 329 - Link to section of the locomotives associated with the SLS page covering this engine.
Stephenson Locomotive Society (Class 66 No. 66 957) - a short section within the Locomotives Associated with the SLS page covering Class 66 No. 66 957 "Stephenson Locomotive Society 1909 - 2009".
Stephenson nameplates - Information about the various SLS collection nameplates from locomotives named Stephenson. (Several on loan to, and displayed at, Shildon Museum together with those in the Library.
Surrey Iron Railway 200th anniversary - coverage of the route from a trip made by SLS members to commemorate the line's 200th birthday.
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Teesside (Middlesbrough) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
Teesside (Yarm) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
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update | About us & contacts - list of changes to the website.
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Visits and meetings - (introductory outline)
Visits and meetings (Surrey Iron Railway 200th anniversary) - coverage of the route from a trip made by SLS members to commemorate the line's 200th birthday.
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Weymouth - An occasional SLS Meeting Centre - venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
What, when, where? - home page for our "please help" section with the latest photograph for which help is requested.
What when where? - index page for the substantially resolved questions from previous What, when or where? posts. | |
Doncaster race traffic excursions A resolved query covering a collection of photos from the Library photo collection showing race traffic excursion trains at Doncaster. | |
Dowlais Cae Harris - Included as What, When where_151, page contains a photograph of the engine shed and the follow up text. | |
London Blackfriars - Resolved what when where? photographic query. image of station taken circa 1948. |
Worksplates - items from the SLS collection are on view at the Severn Valley Railway's Engine House, Highley.
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No X references were found. (Last update 25 Nov 2010)
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Yahoo Group - several items listed in this index are only available to members via Yahoo Groups. This page outlines what these members only services are and how, after joining, you can access them. All groups were closed by Yahoo
Teesside 2 (Formerly Yarm) - SLS Meeting Centre venue details and contact information (For meeting dates see the Perpetual Calendar).
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No Z references were found. (Last update 25 Nov 2010)
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